How moving house helped me in the long run...
When I was in Year 7, I was told that we would be moving up north from my hometown Norwich. This terrified me.. I was scared I wasn't going to make friends. I really didn't want my life to change.
So to begin with I found out that my dad wanted to move us up north due to his working condition and at the age of like 12 I wasn't really taking it all in.. I think I just pretended it wasn't going to happen. We went up north a couple of times and looked at a variety of houses and then my parents finally made the decision and bought one.
schools... My mum made me look around some schools. The first school I looked at I knew I wouldn't go there. It was trashy and I can remember this thought really clearly... what if I slip on rubbish down the stairs when there is a fire alarm and hurt myself. I honestly don't know why I thought this maybe because my parents are in health and safety.. who knows. So I told my mum no, I'm not off there its not happening. Then I visited a second and loved it! It was right for me, it was small, tidy and staff were friendly and organised. My mum asked me if i wanted to visit anymore and I was like no i'm going there. But at this point it still hadn't hit me that it was for real.